Friday, October 29, 2010

Krispy Kreme Christmas Tags

So, in my recent effort to be more frugal, simplify, and not procrastinate I found myself with this little project the other day when I made Christmas gift tags out of a Krispy Kreme box. It is UTTERLY simple but I still thought I would share it, seeing as the box has always seemed Christmas-y to me AND I get such a kick out of repurposing the box that my most prized pregnancy craving comes in.
(You know, after all the raspberry glazed goodness has been consumed and promptly gone to my hips!)

So here's what I did:

-Cut box apart along creases
-Trash any parts that have the glazed icing on it
-Cut some short pieces for tags that you just tape on a package flat.
-Cut some longer pieces for tags that you won't to fold in have like a little card.
-Look on google and find your favorite printable gift tags
-Here is a whole list of super cute tags to choose from and download.
-Cut out the gift tags
-And just glue them onto the fronts of your Krispy Kreme gift cards.
-Leave enough room if you happen to want to hole punch a hole to put a ribbon through the gift card to tie it onto a package.
-Voila, done! And free!

And now I just have to get busy on finishing my Christmas shopping for gifts to put these little tags on! Before December 22nd this year preferably! Lol My goal is to be done by December 1st, can it be done? : )

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Man, I've been m.i.a. for a while. Things have just been busy around here. We've been settling back into homeschooling, co op classes, husband's school schedule, and relentless working on getting our house finished. So I had some time today and thought I'd catch up a little on this blog. : ) And refocus on the 12 things challenge!