Thursday, July 22, 2010

Strange Pregnancies

So yesterday, my oh so grown four year old daughter says: You know some women have strange pregnancies, but don't worry, that can happen. You'll be okay.

And later she lays on our bed and says: Mommy, being pregnant can be gross sometimes. Like there are lotssssss of things that are gross, but you just gotta do it you know. You'll be okay.

Thanks, sweet girl. For your wise beyond your years wisdom. And funny way of putting it. : )

As worrisome as I am..... her crazy ability to understand and know I'll be okay is just what I need.


  1. Aw. She's so sweet. My boys were all fifteen months apart and that whole 'morning sick with babies and toddlers while trying to be a good wife' stage was brutal.

    Glad you liked the slider recipe - it's been a lifesaver for us when we're short on time and hungry.

    For the rest of summer I made a six week dinner menu, did all the shopping and most of the cooking (except rice, noodles etc.) and now I don't have to cook (much) until after Labor Day. It really helps.

    Maybe something like that would work for you while you're feeling sick.

    Hope you're feeling better soon.

  2. Aww, what a sweetheart! It's amazing how much children can encourage us when we need it. :-)

  3. Thanks for stopping by Nicole.

    Oh, it is good to know there is company in that brutal stage! Thanks for sharing.

    Oh I did, I still haven't tried it, but there are a couple pounds of hamburger in my freezer just waiting for it.

    I am so impressed, a six week dinner menu. I bet that clears up your mind so much not having to think about dinner. Not cooking until after Labor day = awesome! I think batch cooking is going to be in my very near future now! I really think it will help, thanks for the inspiration.

    Meg, thanks for stopping by too. Getting comments on this blog has been exciting! And you are so right about children and their encouragement. They seemed so attuned some times!


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