Friday, August 27, 2010

Weekly Menu Planner

So, to help me with the 12 New things Challenge I've joined over at Like a Warm Cup of Coffee's site, and my proverbs pursuit I developed this weekly menu planner for this months skill. As I mentioned in a post or so ago, we've been trying to be mindful of what we're eating and what is in what we're eating so we've been buying more organics but I'm also still a coupon/deal addict and want to get the most bang for my buck while eating well.

So I added two lists as a guide for what the Environmental Working Group deem as the Dirty Dozen list of foods (dirtiest as in most pesticides found/used) to buy organic and the Clean fifteen list of foods that are deemed okay to buy to buy non-organic.

Anyway, I thought I would post this in case anyone wants to print it out and use it for their menu planning. I have done pretty good this week, hopefully I will keep up the pace! I think using a planner helps, it's a good form of accountability....okay accountability with an inanimate object lol but never the less I think it helps by seeing something already planned out you're less likely to not actually go ahead and make the meal.

Also another tip is to laminate this if you have a machine, or you can do like I did and use the self laminating sheets I got on sale and get it laminated in a second and hang it on the fridge with a magnet so it's reusable.

If you want something more simple there is a super cute menu planner that I used and linked to in a post below you could use also.


  1. Hi Karina!

    I just found you over at Sarah Mae's blog through the new 12 New Things Challenge. I actually just tried menu planning for the first time TODAY! I'm really excited about it : ) I thought it was so neat that you're doing a Proverbs 31 based "12 Things" (I'm doing a 90 day Proverbs 31 devotion right now) and that menu planning was your first task. Small world!

    Anyway, you seem like such a sweetie and I look forward to keeping up with your blog. I'm a happy new follower : ).

    Lots of love,

  2. Hi. I'm stopping over from Sarah Mae's 12 Things challenge blog. THANK YOU for this menu planner! I'm definitely going to download it. :)

  3. What a great idea! I started meal planning shortly after I got married 3 years ago. I hated cooking and it stemmed from never knowing what to make when I got home from work! We need to spread the word 'cause this is seriously a life - and budget!- saver.

  4. Laura, that's awesome. I think a lot of connections are being made from her brilliant idea, I think it's an amazing thing for so many women to form a community of sorts as we do this 12 month challenge. It's been really encouraging for me, and so much to glean from other women I'm realizing.

    That's awesome girl! The menu planning totally helps! (when you stick to it that is, ahem this is the part I'm working on haha)

    I know I couldn't believe it. I thought it was a small world thing too, I planned on doing that and then saw the 12 things post, and thought Oh God, you knew I needed some accountability, this is perfect! It feels good to know other women are along side you in effort, even if across internet lines : ) Thanks for following too. That's so exciting as a new blogger, I will certainly be trying to have some worthy posts for ya'll to come back to!

    Kristine, man there really are alot of connections coming from 12 things. I think it's going to yield incredible results for all of us. You are so welcome, hope it helps! Thanks for stopping by.

    Cammy, thank you. I know, I know, that five o'clock dread can be so disheartening, but menu planning is definitely the secret to beating that stress. I totally agree on spreading the word, I know I would have appreciated hearing about this earlier than I did and like you said my budget too, I think it's truly a cornerstone of homemaking the more I learn. Thanks for stopping by!

    Thanks for stopping by. : )

  5. Karina, thank you so much for your kind comment on my Multitude Monday post. I am so glad that you stopped by!

    Love your menu planning idea! It's something that my husband and I are trying to do more of lately too. It makes eating more healthy foods so much easier, doesn't it?

    Blessings to you!


Comments, quips, questions, concerns? Leave em' here, I love to read each one : )