Sunday, July 25, 2010


So, my core reason for starting this blog is was to chronicle a journey towards striving to be a Proverbs 31 type of woman, and in general just a better one. Not because we HAVE to be it perfectly, but because I think the bible makes it clear that lifestyle and characteristics is most 'ideal' and helpful. I can see so many benefits becoming this type of woman would yield. For myself, family, community, even generations ahead.

Studying this famous passage, has brought out many questions to me. Mostly because it is so contrary to our modern day society in some ways. It has made me begin to question many things that we take for granted, take as necessary, take with out question sometimes. Well I am starting to question. My husband and I are starting to question. The normal American dream of ladder rung careers, white picket fences around grossly mortgaged houses, separation of parents and children at long lengths, credit hungriness....well that's just the beginning. We're in a season of questioning and feel we're on the tip of a good change. I'm continuing to study the proverbs 31 woman and passage alongside this. I think it will be of good guidance.

So lately, I'm wondering:

Her husband trusts in her, And he will have no lack in gain:
How does this apply to today, what does this really mean for me?

She looks for wool and flax And works with her hands in delight:
My sewing machines I am ever grateful for...... probably have a few specks of dust on them right now. Why don't I make the time for this practical art. Where is my delight in it that I used to have? Why don't we carve out more time for things like hobbies that could be industrious and bring delight?

She is like merchant ships; She brings her food from afar:
We have recently become so discouraged by the fake food we realized we were eating. Things we couldn't even pronounce on the ingredient list. We're caretakers for our bodies and our children's, why are we putting things in it on a daily basis that we hear all the time could be harmful. Laziness? Lack of funds? Too much other stress? All of those issues can affect our food choices. We are trying to turn a new page and have started shopping at a whole foods store, instead of just mindlessly buying what we're used to, what everyone does, what we thought wasn't a big deal to be buying. We're starting to invest in our health. It is a learning curve I have to admit.

She rises also while it is still night And gives food to her household And portions to her maidens:
I do rise early to prepare my husband's breakfast and lunch and later for my daughter and I. But lately I've been going back to bed with pregnancy fatigue. But even when I wasn't pregnant I would sometimes still go back to bed, tired and not ready to face the day yet. Letting chores get pushed back to a time that was set for other things already. "Not giving portions to my maidens" I guess. I guess in this modern time that would be like emptying the dishrack of dishes and getting laundry started, setting up learning items needed for the day etc.....

I think I might focus on a verse each month until I've worked through the entire passage. I don't think they'll all be mastered at the end of it but I think that it'll give insight to areas I'm doing well and areas I'm lacking in and will do good to focus and study on one characteristic at a time....

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Strange Pregnancies

So yesterday, my oh so grown four year old daughter says: You know some women have strange pregnancies, but don't worry, that can happen. You'll be okay.

And later she lays on our bed and says: Mommy, being pregnant can be gross sometimes. Like there are lotssssss of things that are gross, but you just gotta do it you know. You'll be okay.

Thanks, sweet girl. For your wise beyond your years wisdom. And funny way of putting it. : )

As worrisome as I am..... her crazy ability to understand and know I'll be okay is just what I need.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Finding grace in wriggling toddlers...

Phew.....well here is a long overdue second post oh uhm only six months later : )

I have had a renewed interest in writing and connecting online within the realm of what I intended this blog for. And it brings me back to why I wanted to start one in the first place. The first half of the year revealed much to me. There is a need for encouraging the Proverbs 31 seeking woman. There are so many faith filled wives and mommas out there that feel like they fall short and aren't up to par ahem (me too and especially)......and you know what? most of them think it's just them. It's not ladies. It's a wordly struggle we all bear, but there is freedom from it. There is freedom in seeing another mother sigh when her toddler wriggles away and runs off while she's trying to get out of the door at dance class. You see her, you see you in her, and you see Jesus' grace for her and the good work she's trying to do...... and somewhere in there it reminds you that you are offered that too. Grace. Grace from Him. Grace for each other to not be perfect.

Motherhood is HARD. Being a good wife and helpmeet can be HARD. But His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Amen? He can lighten our load when we rest in grace and know we don't have to be perfect because we can't be perfect. And know that, that is okay. I've met so many mommas with wonderful intentions for their families. Do they always get it right? Nope. Do I? Oh man, no. Do we strive to though? Then we're on the right foot then ladies. Strive with your best intentions, and allow yourself to bathe in grace when it gets and seems hard. We have good work to do, and I see such a need for building each other up that first spring out of my own misconceptions and 'must just be me' attitude. There are no perfectly clean houses with children, daily not even charred a little bit- gourmet meals, and all day smudge free makeup on a momma ; ) And when we realize that we have freedom. Freedom to do our best. This blog is about me finding my personal best in my calling. I'm striving, and if I can lift someone else up along the way then this blog will have served a great dual service.